Magheralin church Red Door outreach children had fantastic weeks sporting challenge at the new look Planters Park in July 2019.












On Saturday 25th May 2019 the Niall O’Hanlon Memorial Funday was held at Planters Park and a fantastic crowd turned out for Magheralin FC in memory of their Number 7. There was plenty going on with matches, bouncy castles, face painting, an animal farm and lots more. A fantastically organised day which the local community turned out in their droves to support, Well done to all.




On Friday 10th August 2018 our Community Officer Richard Lyttle organised some local churches with under 14 and 18 boys at Planters Park for some football skills and games.

A great day with around 40 boys plus DFC Chairman in wellingtons scoring twice for under 14 team (will we have to get ID Cards)

Pictures from the day