DFC Golf Day 2023 @ Edenmore Golf Club

Our 2023 Gold Day was held at the fantastic, Edenmore Golf Club on Friday 9th June and yet again the team at Edenmore enabled a fantastic day, with a great breakfast, an impeccable Golf Course and a tasty dinner with cold refreshments on a beautiful warm day.

Roco won first prize with 102 and Dale Malone team second with 100 and Andrew Mitchell team with 99.

Adam woods won individual at 45 and Ryan McCory with 44.

Barry Tumilty won the gross at 69.

Jake Redpath Nearest to Pin & Ciaran Patterson Longest Drive.

A massive thankyou to all the players and sponsors and organisers who made the day a success and really enjoyable.

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A big thankyou to Bob McGlade for the action shots and Brian Johnston for the team photos